Iskolar ng Bayan Fund Drive

Help Us Reach Our Goal!

The UP Alumni Association of Wisconsin (UPAA-W) is on a mission to support scholars from the University of the Philippines (UP) through a monthly stipend for books and other school-related costs. This is part of our “50 at 50” campaign, launched two years ago to celebrate our 50th anniversary.

We are happy to announce that we have raised $33,225 as of March 31, 2024, which is 87.43% of our $38,000 goal. This means we only need $4,775 more to reach our target and create an “evergreen” or revolving fund that will enable us to send more “Iskolars ng Bayan” to UP every year.

We are grateful to all who have donated to the fund so far. Now, we need your help to make the final push and crush our goal. You can donate online, make a pledge, write a check, or use Venmo (@UPAAW) and be a part of this amazing journey.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these deserving scholars and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

Thank you for your continued support!